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7 Steps to Help Stick with Your Budget

Budgeting How To Moms Money Saving Wealth Women

7 Steps to Help Stick with Your Budget

A recent study by the National Women’s Law Center found that almost two-thirds of minimum wage workers are women, and more than one in four mothers are now the sole or primary breadwinners for their families. That means a lot of moms are trying to budget on a tight income. Being a mom is hard enough as it is, but throw a tight budget into the mix and it can seem downright impossible. Juggling day-to-day expenses while also trying to save for the future can be daunting, but it’s not impossible.....

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Love Yourself FIRST this Valentine's Day

celebrating love reflection self care self love valentine's day women

Love Yourself FIRST this Valentine's Day

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you." 

~Rupi Kaur

From HGYC Founder Tara Geraghty 

Today is a day of love, and whether you are single or in a relationship or anywhere in between, I hope you’ll stop for a minute and think about what YOU love about your life.

Now grab a piece of paper.....

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Tired, Burnt-out and Why a Bubble Bath Won't Fix You.

burnout exhaustion overwork productivity purpose reflection self worth stress support women

Tired, Burnt-out and Why a Bubble Bath Won't Fix You.

Shared by HGYC Member Kristin Donnelly 

Actually, I know you’re exhausted. You have grand dreams, huge passions, deep love, and a plan to put it all in place. You know what you’re supposed to be, and you want to go be it, but everything in you is tired. 

You’re tired of managing your schedule and the schedules and expectations of others. You’re tired of working towards a goal only to be told that it’s still not enough. You’re tired of being tired!

I know, friend. I know, and I also know it’s not your fault. 

It’s America’s

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Get Ready, Adventure Awaits! Discovering Your Second Act!

business career community life purpose midlife personal development purpose reflection retirement second act support women

Get Ready, Adventure Awaits!  Discovering Your Second Act!

Shared by HGYC Member Jacqueline R. Robinson 


I had absolutely no clue as to what I would do next nor did I actually plan on retiring. I just knew that there was something else that was out there for me and I had to take a “leap of faith”.  By making this decision, I allowed myself for those few days soon after being downsized to reflect.  During those moments of reflection, I admitted to myself that I really had not been happy at work for a few years.  My plan was to “hang in there” for another 7 years until I officially retired.  I soon began to realize that the “hang in there” plan” was not a plan.  It only meant limiting my life by not allowing me to dream about other achievements and adventures that were out there waiting for me to discover. I asked myself, “If not now, then when”?

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Women and The Grand Canyon

Women and The Grand Canyon

My determination to stay on the journey was unrelenting. I signed up for this crazy adventure because I knew I had to do something drastic to shock myself back to the land of the living after a decimating divorce.  I was going to the bottom of the Grand Canyon to leave my marriage there and climb out to my new life.  The only problem was I had no idea what my new life was going to be or if I was capable of creating it because when my wasband* left I had allowed him to take my self worth with him. 

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