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How I Built My Credibility With the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge

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How I Built My Credibility With the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge

  So this is cool. I just logged into LinkedIn and found out that I now have this fun little badge next to my name that recognizes me as a Community Top Leadership Voice. And it will stay on my profile for the next 60 days. Pretty sweat. It's actually a pretty simple process to get a Community Top Voice Badge. You just need to Contribute to 3+ articles in one particular skill set. So in this case I chose Leadership. Next you need to be in the top 5% of contributors for a specific skill, and among the first...

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Empower Your Brand: Why Women Solopreneurs Should Offer Print on Demand Products

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Empower Your Brand: Why Women Solopreneurs Should Offer Print on Demand Products

  Today, I want to share with you a little slice of my journey in building the Hey Girl You Can (HYGC) community and how embracing print on demand products through Printify transformed the game for me. When I first started HYGC, my vision was clear: to create a supportive space where women could uplift and inspire each other to pursue their dreams and believe they can!  I knew that offering merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, and notebooks would be a great way to not only spread the message but also generate some income to support the community. But here's the kicker—I had...

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5 Simple and Powerful Ways for Female Entrepreneurs to Grow Their Brand on LinkedIn

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5 Simple and Powerful Ways for Female Entrepreneurs to Grow Their Brand on LinkedIn

In this blog, I want to share five practical and easy-to-implement ways that will help you build your brand's visibility and impact which will ultimately lead to more income. The place to build a profitable brand and grow your coaching and consulting business is on LinkedIn.

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Maximizing Your Potential: The Importance of Positive Communities and Empowering Connections

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Maximizing Your Potential: The Importance of Positive Communities and Empowering Connections

You hear me say this all the time. Community is the new currency. What does that actually mean though? It means, there is value in your community, aka the people you surround yourself with. The people who know you and the and people you know.

In today’s world this impacts us both personally and professionally, more than at any other time in history. Why? Because now our community doesn’t end at our front door. We used to go home and only be influenced by our immediate family members (and maybe the 5 o’clock news). Now, however, our community is connected to us 24 hours a day 7 days a week all because of social media. Most people wake up and reach for their phone (89% of Americans say they check their phones within the first 10 minutes of waking up) and guess what? Your community started influencing you before you even got out of bed. Most people also look at their phone right before going to sleep (95% of people use the phone for something just before going to bed) Your community now just influenced your dreams. Now if the people you are connected to in your community are sharing and talking about their goals, dreams, positive quotes, etc you will think the same. But if people in your community are posting about the latest political drama, constantly complaining, and sharing negative news stories, then guess what? You will start to see the world just as they do.

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13 Secrets to Quickly Creating Your Course Online

business course creator entrepreneurship How To making money online online online courses

13 Secrets to Quickly Creating Your Course Online

  By HGYC member Julie Hood As a course creator, have you ever noticed how you set aside time to do something... and almost always fill it up? Parkinson's Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. So let's use this to your advantage when you create your course! The trick is to set aside a certain amount of time to complete one of the tasks for your course, and then make yourself finish. Here are 13 secrets to create your course more quickly!   #1 – Outline thoroughly... then you just...

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